Dynamic SQL
by Mike
The benefits of using a relational database management system over other types
of data storage such as flat files, spreadsheets, hierarchical databases, etc.,
is the ability to look at the information it contains in various ways and to
give us a better way of managing that content. What we learn from processing and
analyzing the data leads to better insight and questions about the nature of
things. For example, if we get information about annual sales volumes, we might
ask which product or month is the most (or least) profitable? We might want to
change the columns on the report, or sort it in a different way depending on
what department we work in.
Developing applications that provide flexible paths to retrieve and manage
information in large databases is one of the big challenges we face as builders
of systems. Our ability to anticipate future requests and build that flexibility
into the system at design time requires experience, insight, and judgment.
Translating such a design into a deliverable project depends on the amount of
time, the resources available, and the understanding of the technologies we are
working with.
To meet this objective, most database systems provide the facilities for running
SQL code directly against the database engine. ODBC has the call
ADO uses the
Command object, and most others have
similar calls. The purpose is to allow the developer the flexibility of creating
an SQL statement within the application based on user input to determine what
information to return.
In this article, we will address the issues surrounding Dynamic SQL and its
various uses. The main points of this chapter include:
Dynamic SQL refers to SQL code that is generated within an application or from
the system tables and then executed against the database to manipulate the data.
The SQL code is not stored in the source program, but rather it is generated
based on user input. This can include determining not only what objects are
involved, but also the filter criteria and other qualifiers that define the set
of data being acted on.
Using this approach, we can develop powerful applications that allow us to
create database objects and manipulate them based on user input. For example,
suppose you are working on a web application that will include a function that
presents the user with a screen that contains series of parameters to define the
information, then that the application performs a search based on the parameters
that have been filled in.
John Doe
Without using Dynamic SQL, we would have to code the query to account for all
the combinations of the various parameter fields.
Select * from Customer
Where ((CustNM is not null and CustNM like 'John Doe%') or CustNM is null) and
((Age is not null and Age = '') or Age is null) and
((Sex is not null and Sex = '') or Sex is null) and
((Cars is not null and Cars = 2) or Cars is null)
If there are only a few, it is okay, but when you have 10 or more parameters,
you can end up with a complex query, particularly if you allow the user to
specify conditions between parameters such as
OR, etc.
The more typical approach used by application developers is to use a routine
that parses the fields within the client program and builds the
WHERE clause to contain just the
criteria needed. This results in SQL code created in the application that is
based on the user input. In our applications, we can generate the query from
these components to specify what we want to see and in what format.
Select * from Customer
Where CustName like 'John Doe%' and Cars = 2
The purist DBA view will point out that using stored procedures would be better
because of the advantages they provide. When you have the resources and time
allows, encapsulating SQL into stored procedures can give us performance gains,
simplify management, and result in a more secure database.
SQL Server compiles the stored procedures and saves the execution plans for
future use. While we don't see the benefit with SQL that is infrequently run, a
selection of something like a customer order basket, which needs to be refreshed
often, will provide a noticeable performance gain. When a stored procedure is
created, the optimizer will look for the best way to execute the batch of
statements and determine a best approach to use, and it stores that plan for
future use. Dynamic SQL is recompiled every time.
Stored procedures allow us to use parameters for input of variables and the
output of results. When calling a stored procedure, we specify just the name and
the values for the parameters. We don't need to send the entire query batch to
the database across the network, resulting in smaller packets of information
going back and forth. This reduces the conversation on the network, which in
turn improves the response time to get the result set.
Because stored procedures are objects stored within the database, we can use
normal DCL (Data Control Language)
commands to grant and deny access. If a user has execute rights to the
procedure, they assume the rights of the owner of the procedure when they call
it. For example, we can create a stored procedure to return the salary of
employees who work for us. By giving users rights to this procedure we can avoid
granting general read access to unauthorized individuals.
Another advantage of using stored procedures is that we can encapsulate the
business rules that determine the validity of the data. By creating a common
routine that can be called from any application, we don't have to manage the
logic in multiple places. If in our previous example, we needed to change it so
that the user could only see their own salary information we could modify the
stored procedure and all calling programs would use the new rule. This
eliminates the need to scan the source code of all the client applications for
the logic that retrieves the data and then to update it in several places. You
could call this normalizing the process, just as we normalize the data
structures that contain the data.
If data access is consistently implemented via stored procedures, then the
sysdepends table on SQL Server will
contain references to all the places that the various tables and views are used.
If we need to change a table structure, we can see all the places that will be
affected. Again, it is a benefit to management.
With all the advantages stored procedures have you might wonder what Dynamic SQL
should be used for, and when it makes sense.
In the real world, we don't always have the budget or the resources to implement
the perfect project. Trade offs are made and development begins before the
design is completed, prototypes are added to until they are no longer prototypes
but end up becoming the final application. The SQL logic necessary is not known
until the development efforts are underway, and code is developed as it is
needed. Sometimes the effort to coordinate between the database developers and
the application teams doesn't go as smoothly as it should. Maybe the budget
doesn't provide funding to pay for the database work or the staff isn't trained
in writing Stored Procedures. The project is put into production and it does the
Other times that Dynamic SQL makes sense is for one time administrative tasks
such as shrinking the database or dumping a copy of all the tables on a
database. There are a number of situations that we can use the strengths of this
tool to get our job done quicker and faster.
Coding effective routines that provide performance and simplification of tasks
requires that we understand the intent of the tool. If misused, any tool can be
a hindrance, but when applied correctly to a problem for which it was intended,
Dynamics SQL really shines. In this section, we will look at how SQL Server
allows us to execute Dynamic SQL, and some techniques for writing effective
You have seen the
EXECUTE command used to run stored
procedures, but it can also be used to execute a character string. For example
the simple statement to list sales by title can be called like this:
EXEC ('SELECT title_id, count(*) FROM sales GROUP BY
We are not limited to executing static strings using the
EXEC command. We can generate a SQL
statement based on the current environment and execute that statement as well.
If we need to summarize data by the frequency of values on a particular column
we could declare a local variable, set the value equal to the command we want to
run. In this case we use concatenation to build the command string, and we
declare a variable to hold the name of the column to group by:
SET @col = 'stor_id'
SET @cmd = 'SELECT '+@col+', count(*) FROM sales GROUP
BY '+@col
EXEC (@cmd)
This could be run from Query Analyzer as its own batch, or it could be part of a
larger stored procedure. Using variables to hold names of columns or tables that
may need to be changed simplifies support and maintenance of the code.
One consideration to keep in mind is that every time the database processes an
EXEC command it treats the statement
as a new command that needs to be treated in its own scope. This means that any
variables declared within the command string being run are not visible to the
calling batch, and likewise variables that are in the scope of the calling batch
are not visible within the EXEC'd command.
The statement below will result in an error because the context of the variable
@table is the calling batch of statements, and there is no table
with the name "@table"
in the database.
SET @table = 'authors'
EXEC ('SELECT * FROM master..sysobjects WHERE name =
@table') -- BOOM!
If you change the database context with the USE command the effects do not last
beyond the end of the statement. This is important to keep in mind when you are
working with multiple databases and don't fully qualify the tables with the
database.owner.tablename syntax.
Use pubs
declare @cmd varchar (4000)
set @cmd = 'EXEC spCurrDB'
set @cmd = 'select ''The current database is:
+ ' from master..sysdatabases d, master..sysprocesses p
+ ' where p.spid = @@SPID and p.dbid = d.dbid '
EXEC (@cmd)
EXEC (N'Use master;'+@cmd)
EXEC (@cmd)
This example will return the name of the current database by using the
@@SPID which returns the current process id and then joining the
system tables
sysprocesses and
sysdatabases on the database id column (dbid)
and then filtering the results to the row that matches our id. When you run it
the first EXEC shows current context to be
pubs, the second
master and the third is back to
pubs. When the second EXEC runs, it changes the database context
just for the duration of that EXEC call, and doesn't change the calling batch's
context. The database engine treats each
EXEC as separate batches, which have
no knowledge of the other.
If the first three characters following the
EXEC statement are
sp_, it assumes that you are running a
system stored procedure and will search the master catalog of procedures before
it looks at the current database. For that reason, it is a good idea to use a
different naming standard for your own stored procedures. The performance gain
might be small, but why waste resources if you don't have to?
sp_executesql to run dynamic
statements gives us a couple advantages over
EXEC that are worth noting. The first
is that while both evaluate the SQL statement at the point of execution,
sp_executesql will store and
potentially reuse execution plans while
EXEC does not. The other benefit is
sp_executesql supports parameter
substitution and allows you to better integrate the statements into your
The calling syntax for
sp_executesql is as follows:
sp_executesql <@stmt> [<@param1 data_type>,<@param2 data_type>, ...]
@stmt parameter is a Unicode string
containing valid SQL commands, and the parameters are specified with a name and
type. We can specify the parameters for both input and output. In this example
we are going to return as output the count of books where the author is
contained in the variable
au_name. The output type
@retType is passed as the second parameter to
sp_executesql, and the variable
@retVal that will be set to the returned value is passed as the
third parameter.
declare @cmd
declare @retType nvarchar(50)
declare @retVal nvarchar(20)
declare @au_name
set @@au_name = 'Ringer'
set @retType = N'@cnt varchar(20) OUTPUT'
set @cmd =
N'SELECT @cnt = convert(varchar(20), count(*)) '
+ ' from titles t, titleauthor ta, authors a, sales s '
+ ' where a.au_id = ta.au_id '
+ ' and ta.title_id = t.title_id '
+ ' and s.title_id = t.title_id '
+ ' and a.au_lname like ''' + @@au_name + N''''
exec sp_executesql @cmd, @retType, @retVal OUTPUT
select @retVal
In this section we will use Dynamic SQL from within single batches and stored
procedures to see how it can be used in various scenarios to generate code to
create tables, stored procedures and views. These examples are intended to
provide you with some ideas for various approaches to situations you may need to
For our example we will assume that at the Northwind Company, sales are booming,
and the decision has been made to partition the data into monthly sales tables.
The problem is how to deal with tables and managing the data in them without changing the existing applications to
account for the new schema. The goal is to minimize impact to the existing
The first thing we need to do is to create a procedure for creating new tables
if they don't exist to hold that month's data. Dynamic SQL statements are useful
in generating scripts which are dependent on the current configuration or
settings. We will use an input parameter to dynamically generate the script to
create a permanent table that follows a given naming standard. We create a
stored procedure which takes as input parameters a date value that we will use
in creating the table name, and then only create it if the table doesn't already
exist. This will save us time later in that we can call this procedure without
fear that we will loose data that already exists.
@Create_date DATETIME = null
-- If they didn't pass a date, then use the system date
if @Create_date is NULL
set @Create_date = getdate()
DECLARE @year char (2), @month char(2)
-- Next decode the date into a 2 digit year and 2 digit
SET @year = substring(convert(VARCHAR(6),
SET @month = substring(convert(VARCHAR(6),
SET @cmd = N'CREATE TABLE Sales_' + @month + @year +
N' (stor_id char
(4) NOT NULL ,
ord_num VARCHAR (20)
qty smallint NOT NULL ,
payterms VARCHAR (12)
title_id VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL) '
-- Only execute the create table script if it doesn't
already exist
-- by checking if there is already a table in the
sysobjects table
if not exists (
FROM dbo.sysobjects
WHERE id = object_id(N'Sales_'+@month + @year)
N'IsUserTable') = 1
exec sp_executesql @cmd
print 'Created table [Sales_'+@month+@year+']'
print 'Table [Sales_'+@month+@year+'] already exists'
spCreateSalesTable '01-01-2003'
Now we need to determine where to put new sales transactions. Because the table
names are dependent on the sales date, we will create a stored procedure that
uses dynamically generated SQL to insert the sales information into the
appropriate table based on the order date. This will hide the implementation
details from the application so that if we later decided we needed to change how
we partitioned the sales data, we don't impact the application.
This procedure takes as input parameters the details of the sales transaction,
and then uses them to generate a SQL script to perform the insert operation on
the appropriate table. But before we can insert the new data, we need to ensure
that the table exists, so we call the stored procedure
@stor_id char(4),
@ord_num VARCHAR (20),
@ord_date DATETIME,
@qty smallint,
@payterms VARCHAR (12),
@title_id tid
DECLARE @parmlist NVARCHAR(255)
declare @year
char (2), @month char(2)
-- Create the sales table if it doesn’t exist
EXEC spCreateSalesTable @ord_date
-- Next build the insert string
SET @year = substring(convert(VARCHAR(6),
SET @month = substring(convert(VARCHAR(6),
N'INSERT INTO Sales_' + @month + @year
+ ' (stor_id, Ord_num, ord_date, qty, payterms,
title_id) '
+ ' values (@stor_id, @ord_num, @ord_date, @qty,
-- Setup the calling parameters for sp_ExecuteSQL
SET @parmlist = N''''+@stor_id + ''', ''' + @ord_num +
+''', '+convert(VARCHAR(5),@qty)+', '''+@payterms+''',
-- And run it
EXEC sp_ExecuteSQL @cmd, N'@stor_id CHAR(4), @ord_num
@ord_date DATETIME,
@qty INT, @payterms VARCHAR(12), @title_id TID',
@stor_id, @ord_num, @ord_date, @qty, @payterms,
At this point we have created a means for generating the partitioned tables and
to add new records to them according to the given business rules. But querying
the sales data is more complicated because we need to know the order date to get
to the correct table. In the next section we will use a very useful feature of
Transact SQL, namely Cursors.
You can add a lot of power to your scripts when you combine the use of cursors
to drive thru system tables to generate SQL statements. In our partitioned sales
table example, we may not want to expose the dynamically generated table name to
the end users or force the applications to be recoded each month. We can use a
view to provide a consistent view of the last 12 months of sales. Using cursors
to iterate through the system tables, we can generate a script to update the
CREATE PROCEDURE spUpdateSalesView as
declare @cmd varchar (4000)
declare @Table varchar(50)
-- Create a cursor to return the tables that match our
naming standard
declare myCur scroll cursor for
select name from sysobjects
where type = 'U' and name like 'Sales_%'
order by name asc
open myCur
fetch from myCur into @Table
-- If we've got any data, use that first row to define
the first select
set @cmd = 'create view AllSales as '
+ 'select stor_id, ord_num, title_id, ord_date, qty,
payterms '
+ 'from ' + @Table
fetch next from myCur into @tABLE
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- every successive table will require the UNION
set @cmd = @cmd + '
+ ' select
+ ' from ' + @Table
fetch next from myCur into @tABLE
-- Next we drop the view AllSales if it exists
if exists (
select *
from dbo.sysobjects
where id = object_id(N'AllSales') )
print 'Dropping View'
drop view AllSales
print 'Creating View'
-- And finally we add the new view definition
exec (@Cmd)
-- Clean up after ourselves and free up the cursor
close myCur
deallocate myCur
We've not got an implementation for partitioned sales tables in which we could
change the implementation details without impacting the applications. Wouldn't
it be nice if we had some sample data so we could test how well our solution
works? In our next scenario we will add a way to do just that.
In this stored procedure we want to provide the developer with a way to add a
random sample of data spread out between two dates. We will use cursors and
dynamic SQL along with the
RAND operator to generate a random sampling data to
load into our test database.
We pass in parameters for the number of rows we want to generate and the date
range for sales records. We then use a cursor for the store and one for the
titles and then using
fetch absolute we position our cursor on a randomly determined
record and use the results to generate our call to add the sales transaction.
@rows int, --
Number of rows to add
DATETIME, -- Minimum order date
DATETIME -- Maximum order date
-- Declare our local variables
DECLARE @store_id CHAR (4), @ord_num
@ord_date DATETIME,
@payterms VARCHAR(12), @title_id VARCHAR(6),
@cnt INT, @rnd
@storeCnt INT,
@titleCnt INT,
@days INT, @seed
-- Initialize them and setup our conditions
SET nocount on
SET @cnt = 0
SET @days = datediff (day, @mindate, @maxdate)
-- Next declare a cursor to contain Store info and save
the record count
DECLARE curStore scroll cursor FOR
SELECT stor_id FROM stores WHERE stor_id IS NOT NULL
OPEN curStore
SET @storeCnt = @@CURSOR_ROWS
print convert(VARCHAR(4), @StoreCnt)+ ' Stores'
-- Do the same for Titles
DECLARE curTitle scroll cursor for
SELECT title_id FROM titles WHERE title_id IS NOT NULL
OPEN curTitle
SET @titleCnt = @@CURSOR_ROWS
PRINT convert(VARCHAR(4), @titleCnt) + ' Titles'
-- Next loop until we have added the specified number
of rows
WHILE @cnt < @rows begin
-- Initialize our seed value for the random number
SET @seed = rand() * 100000
-- Pick the store at random
SET @rnd = rand (@Seed) * @storeCnt
FETCH absolute @rnd from curStore into @store_id
-- Pick a title
SET @rnd = rand (@Seed) * @titleCnt
FETCH absolute @rnd from curTitle into @title_id
-- Pick a order date by adding a random number of days
to mindate
SET @ord_date = dateadd (day, rand(@Seed) * @days,
-- Random quantity
SET @qty = rand() * 10
-- We will use a static order number formula, and a
default for terms
SET @ord_num = 'TEST'+convert(VARCHAR(5), @seed)
SET @payterms = 'Pay Terms'
-- Finally we call the stored procedure to add the
sales transaction
EXEC spAddSalesTran @store_id, @ord_num, @ord_date,
@payterms, @title_id
-- Increment the counter of rows added
SET @cnt = @cnt + 1
-- Provide the user feedback by printing status update
every 1000 rows
IF @cnt % 1000 = 0 -- If the remainder after dividing
by 1000 = 0 then
print convert(VARCHAR(6), @cnt) + ' Rows Processed'
-- Now clean up after ourselves
CLOSE curTitle
CLOSE curStore
-- update the sales view to reflect current conditions
EXEC spUpdateSalesView – Update the view of AllSales
PRINT convert(VARCHAR(5), @cnt) + ' Sales Records
We can then use this stored procedure to generate a random set of sales data by
running the following command:
spCreateSampleData 65000, '1-1-1999', '12-31-2003'
After running our data generator, we have populated a lot of information across
many tables in the database. To see how the data is distributed it would be
useful to be able to see what the distribution is, and whether we want to change
our random data algorithms to give us a better distribution. The next example
will dynamically build a SQL batch that selects the number of rows in each
table, along with the name of the table.
If you've ever worked with distributed databases and data replication, you have
probably felt the need to be able to get some level of confidence that the data
that has been loaded into a database is correct. This example provides a way to
audit the row counts from every user table in the database so you can see more
easily application problems caused by a table missing data in the database.
There are several approaches we could use for this problem, but in the interest
of this chapter we will be using a script that generates SQL dynamically. If you
wanted, you could create a stored procedure around it and pass in the name of
the database to run the row counts against.
We will use the system tables again and create a cursor to drive thru the names
of the user tables in the sysobjects table. If there is more than one user
defined table in the database, then we will perform a
UNION between queries so that we return a single rowset.
-- Declare the Cursor to return Table objects
SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U'
OPEN myCur
INTO @Table
-- If there aren't any user tables then don't do
anything, otherwise...
-- We set up the select statement for the first table
SET @Cmd = 'select '''+@Table+''', count(*) from
FETCH NEXT from myCur into @Table
-- add a UNION statement in between additional tables
SET @Cmd = @Cmd + '
SET @Cmd = @Cmd + 'select '''+@Table+''', count(*) from
FETCH NEXT FROM myCur into @Table
-- For fun, lets sort the results by the table with the
most rows (col 2)
SET @Cmd = @Cmd + ' ORDER BY 2 DESC'
EXEC (@Cmd)
-- And as usual, clean up after we are done...
This batch will return the table names and row counts for each so you can get
the sanity check that the contents of the database are what you expect. It is
helpful if you are trying to resolve production problems in which you expect all
distributed copies of a read only table to have the same number of records.
Of course having the same number of rows doesn't mean that they have the same
contents. If you need to audit the contents as well as the count, you need to be
able to extract the data from the suspect table and compare it to the master
copy. In our next example we will cover how you can extract data from a
We can use the cursor approach that we used to count the rows in the tables to
extract a copy of the contents to file. We will use an extended stored procedure
xp_cmdshell to call the BCP (Bulk Copy
Program) against each table in our cursor.
One thing to keep in mind about security and xp_cmdshell is that it spawns a
command shell in the process space of the SQL Server engine itself. Therefore it
will have rights to any command that the account that SQL Server runs in has.
Because of this, execute rights are limited to members of the SQL Server
sysadmin group, although other users can be explicitly granted this right. If
the user calling xp_cmdshell is not a member of the sysadmin group then the
command shell will run under the SQL Agent Proxy account and have the same
rights as that account.
Because we are running BCP under the SQL Server account, using a trusted
connection will give the default system admin rights. Therefore we are
specifying to use a trusted connection from the BCP command line (-T). In our example, we are specifying
that the output be in SQL Server native mode (-n) which means the information is
written in Tabular Data Stream (TDS) the native tongue of SQL Server. We could
have specified a format based extract but that would require us to also define
the layout of the resulting file for each table and that would violate our
objective of creating a generic script. For a complete listing of the BCP
command, run it from the command line without any parameters and it will display
the calling syntax.
SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' ORDER BY
OPEN myCur
INTO @Table
-- setup the command line
SET @Cmd = 'bcp ' + DB_NAME() + '..' + @Table
+ ' out
c:\temp\' + @table + '.dat -n -T'
-- Print the command to the screen so we can see what's
PRINT @cmd
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd
Close myCur
Once the files have been created on the remote server, all we need to do is copy
them to a local server and then load the data, however this will require that
you already have the exact same schema defined on your local server, and that
you don't have any data in the table or the duplicates will cause the process to
fail. To reverse the direction and reload the data we just extracted simply
change the
bcp parameter
A transactional system that captures new information on a regular basis, needs
to have a mechanism for keeping the databases from out-growing their hardware.
Purging old data means to get rid of unneeded data records either because they
are out of date, or the information has been archived to a non-transactional
system for long term storage. For purposes of this example, we will create a
stored procedure that will delete data between two dates. A real-life scenario
would likely have other parameters and dependencies, but we will try to keep it
simple for purposes of demonstration.
In the design of our stored procedure we assume that we will be passing in a
date range to use. The tables that are named such that they contain data in that
rage will be dropped from the database. Again, this is the blunt knife approach
that would be refined in a real life scenario.
DECLARE @Cnt int
-- Initialize the count so we can return how many
tables were dropped
SET @Cnt = 0
-- Declare the cursor to drive thru our Sales tables
DECLARE myCur scroll cursor for
SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' AND name
LIKE 'Sales_%'
OPEN myCur
FETCH FROM mycur into @Table
-- Extract the date from the name of the table
SET @TblDt =
'01-'+substring(@Table, 7, 2)+'-'+substring(@Table,9,2)
IF @MinDate <= @TblDt and @TblDt <= @MaxDate begin
-- This table matches, drop it
SET @Cmd = 'drop table ' + @Table
PRINT 'Dropping Table ['+ @Table + ']'
EXEC (@Cmd)
SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1
-- Clean up the cursors
PRINT '*** ' + convert(VARCHAR(5), @Cnt) + ' TABLES
Using SQL Server to generate system management scripts and subsequently
executing them allows us to leverage the strength of SQL server to automate the
processing of common administrative tasks such as checking tables using the DBCC
command, extracting the database schema, and other misc. tasks.
SQL Server is a great tool for managing data, but it has been known to have its
problems. If a page of data somehow becomes corrupted, we can identify and
resolve the problem by running consistency checks against the table. The DBCC
CHECKTABLE command will verify that the data pages, allocation tables and
indexes are not corrupted and have reasonable data (from the database
perspective of data types and values, not the application or the users). We will
call it with the option REPAIR_FAST which will take care of minor problems. If
SQL Server cannot fix it, it will include it as part of the result set but it is
still up to us to look at these results.
SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'U' ORDER BY
OPEN tblCur
FETCH FROM tblCur INTO @table
SET @Cmd = 'DBCC CHECKTABLE ('''+@Table+''',
EXEC (@Cmd)
CLOSE tblCur
As applications evolve so does the schema that they use. When deploying new
versions of applications across multiple locations a common problem is ensuring
that the schemas are correct and consistent. This script uses the system schema
to select the names of columns and indexes for each table on the server
(excluding the system tables) into a nice generic result set that can be saved
to a file and then used by a comparison tool (such as WinDiff which comes with
Visual Studio) to identify any differences.
VARCHAR (4000)
-- First we loop thru the user defined databases on the
server (dbid > 4)
SELECT name FROM master..sysdatabases WHERE dbid > 4
OPEN dbCur
FETCH FROM dbCur into @dbname
-- next we build our command script
SET @Cmd = ' declare @table VARCHAR(50) '
-- Create cursor to drive thru tables in db
+ ' SELECT name
FROM '+@dbName+'..sysobjects '
+ ' WHERE type =
-- Open it
+ ' OPEN tblCur '
+ ' FETCH FROM tblCur INTO @Table '
-- For each table in the table cursor
+ ' WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin '
-- Print out the name of the current table
''Schema ['' + @Table + '']'''
-- Then select the columns info from syscolumns &
sc.name ''Column Name'', st.name ''Type'', '
+ ' sc.length
''Len'', sc.status ''Null if 8'''
+ ' FROM
'+@dbName+'..systypes st, '+@dbName+'..syscolumns sc, '
+ '
'+@dbName+'..sysobjects so '
so.name = @table and so.id = sc.id and '
+ ' sc.type *=
st.type and sc.usertype *= st.usertype '
-- Next we go after the indexes, contained in
''Indexes for ['' + @Table + '']'''
si.name ''Key Name'''
+ ' FROM
'+@dbName+'..sysindexes si, '+@dbName+'..sysobjects so '
so.name = @table and si.id =* so.id'
-- And then we get the next table in this database
FROM tblCur into @Table '
+ ' END '
-- Clean up after ourselves
+ ' CLOSE tblCur '
+ ' DEALLOCATE tblCur '
-- @cmd is now equal to the script to get schema
EXEC (@cmd)
-- Go on to the next database and build a new string
SQL Server can automatically allocate file space as the database grows, but if
you need to go the other direction, this script will loop through the system
databases and run the DBCC command to shrink the files. The enterprise manager
has a similar utility for shrinking the database, and it does the same basic
thing, but running the enterprise manager in a highly distributed environment
with hundreds or thousands of servers to work with is not efficient.
This script also uses a cursor to drive through the system tables and execute
commands. I am arbitrarily using the value of 10 percent as the amount of free
space to be left after the operation is complete.
SELECT name FROM sysdatabases WHERE ID > 4 -- Exclude
system databases
OPEN dbCur
SET @Cmd = 'DBCC SHRINKDATABASE (' + @dbName + ', 10)'
EXEC (@Cmd)
FETCH NEXT FROM dbCur into @dbName
As you can see, the possibilities are endless. In the role of database
administrator, using the power of dynamic SQL can make our lives much simpler.
On the flip side of the coin, however, remember that that which make you can
also break you. The ability to use scripts to generate scripts can be a powerful
thing that can also be used to break our systems if we don't protect ourselves
against it.
Access to objects in the database is checked at runtime against the rights of
the user's login. Broadly granting create, update and delete rights can make you
vulnerable to unintended side affects. For that reason, whenever possible, use
stored procedures and grant access to them for users and applications that work
with the database.
In this article we covered a lot of information. We discussed the use of dynamic
SQL versus stored procedures, and why you should use stored procedures when
possible. We looked at how EXEC and sp_ExecuteSQL can be used to run dynamic
statements at runtime. Then we went through some examples of how dynamic SQL can
be used to implement a partitioned database.